I went to Artomatic twice this weekend- once to see what was going on, and once to see if my wallet had been found, but I could still go back and see more. This is a massive event and a truly herculean effort put on by an army of volunteers to make local artists accessible. And it's a chance to see views of this city that will soon belong only to those who live or work there. This year Artomatic is in a brand new yet to be completed nine story building, and the landscape is changing faster than a shoreline. (if the crater on the next block is any indication) Used to be that the DMV inspection station was the hot spot to go, but now it's the ball park, of course, and redevelopment is coming on like a freight train.
Artomatic runs this week from July 1- July 5 so there's still time to get down there and see as much as you can take in-inside and out. I like the way you can wander around with a drink in your hand, and no one will yell at you. And if you have Art overload, you can always take a break and listen to music or just sit on a couch and pretend you have a condo overlooking the Anacostia. (There's also an "interactive" couch covered with bubble wrap.) And don't miss the Peeps exhibit which includes a rendering of sorts of the Hudson River plane crash)
And yes, I got my wallet back. No one made off with the credit cards, the tiny calendar from Ben's Chili Bowl or even the $8 cash. Thank you to my unknown heroes one and all. And thanks to all of you who make Artomatic happen. Please support this scene. It's us.