It's been a long time since we rock and rolled with 7 Door Sedan, but the opportunity presents itself this Wednesday night, June 1. I'm not sure why I think of June as the month of "new" things, though last night when listening to Led Zeppelin, I recalled that it was June of 1974 when I fell in love with the band that Ed says "most girls don't like as much as you do." Anyway, 7 Door Sedan might evoke guitar and song-writing heroes. Mr. Page comes to mind, and last night Mott the Hoople's All the Young Dudes gave me pause to think about the Glenn, Ken, Josh interplay. But they are by no means regurgitating anything. They're something different, and it's about now with new songs for you loyal fans to check out too. (Note: none of this guitar talk is meant to diminish the driving force - primal percussionist Norman.)
Top it off with The Charm Offensive, who call themselves "smartypants" rock and roll, and you've got a great mid-week new June line-up at DC9. Starts at 8:30 to make an early night for those of you who aren't out of school yet.