The economic hard times are hitting. I was in the bank just today and heard a guy loudly forecasting the doom we will face with the new "zero" interest rate. Closer to hitting home, a DC staple musician, JR Cline and his family are in dire need of a place to live. A benefit will be held at The Outta The Way Cafe THIS Thursday featuring a local band that was dear to my heart way back in the 70s when my cousin used to sneak me into bars- Harbison, Bond and Goddard. (You might remember their song that Weasel would include every week in his "Frantic Friday" set on WHFS.) Also look for other DC favorites including soul/blues power singer Mary Shaver with Dan Hovey (Root Boy Slim, Jr Cline and The Recliners) Rico Petrocelli, (Rosslyn Mt Boys, Mary Chapin Carpenter) and Danny Schwartz.
The show starts at 8:30.
And across town- another benefit at Bangkok Blues in Falls Church. This one is for "Hungry For Music"-a great organization that raises money so that kids can get their hands on musical instruments. A variety showcase of local music will start at 7 with Harry Blevins and continue until 10 with Little Pink. In between look for David Kitchen, Dulcie Taylor, Bumpkin Pie, Jelly Roll Mortals and Esther Haynes.
And for you guitar buffs- a Les Paul Epiphone Special II signed by Mr Paul himself will be available for gawking at. (The guitar will be raffled off at a later date.)
Both of these benefits are not high dollar events, but every little bit will help. You can make the difference here.
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