Sunday, April 19, 2020

Easter and Other Things

Happy Easter, you all. Yes, today is the "real" Easter as my father used to say. Why?
Because the Greeks are always right.
That's why.
But I was lucky. My father didn't object when my non- Greek mother would fill a basket with eggs and chocolate on "American" Easter and hide the basket in the yard because a rabbit left it there. I knew it was my mother, but we pretended I didn't. I also knew there was no such thing as a Greek Easter Bunny. On the Greek side of the family, tradition called for red eggs representing the blood of Christ, which was not fun until we got to bash them together playing a game at the end of a huge party with all our cousins.

At least that's what happened in my family. Another take on religious  confusion is worth a visit with David Sedaris in an old episode of "This American Life" called Santa vs the Easter Bunny.

Also confusing is how musicians are going to survive this social distancing edict playing in their yards like bewildered bunnies. Mark Segraves, a dear friend of live music,  wants you to know that DC is planning to help with a little plan they are calling "Pandemic Unemployment Assistance" or PU for short. (Ok, it's actually PUA, but you'll remember it better if I say PU- assistance )

From Mark:
"If you are an independent contractor or a gig worker who is out of work, you qualify for up to $600 a week in unemployment compensation. Here is how to apply in DC. Remember you apply in the jurisdiction where you work not where you live. If you work in multiple jurisdictions you’re advised to apply where you earn the most money. You are NOT entitled to the state unemployment payment. But you are entitled to the federal supplement of up to $600 a week. To apply IN DC send an email to ask to be put on the notification list for when the application process opens."

Even though Mark is trying to help, I know you musical types. You'll attempt to read the above and crawl back in bed, confused and depressed... but here's my thought. Pay attention to that last sentence which I put it in bold so you can read it bleary eyed. Send that email and ask to be notified about PU assistance. Hopefully it won't stink. Maybe you'll get a little money so it's worth a shot, right?

Good luck, my friends. 

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