Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Multi-City Band Fest and the Washington School of Color and Light by Lynn Thorp
DC rocks in art history. I learned this when I got curious about where Color School gets its name. You can learn about the Washington Color School for yourself by seeing the exhibit at the Corcoran. But first, check out Color School the band, Portland's Otis Heat and Baltimore's Fools and Horses at the Rock and Roll Hotel this Thursday, December 30.
Rock and Roll Hotel
1353 H Street NE
Doors at 8, Show 8:30, Tickets $10
Troubadours Go For Tetrarchy
The Rhodes Tavern Troubadours have been on hiatus for a while now, but they are renewing their lease on life with new songs and brand new band member, Arif Durrani on the ivories. Come on down to the mighty small Sunset Grille this Thursday and check out their latest incarnation. Show starts at 8:30.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
All You Need...
I was hanging out with my friend Laura and her twin babies a few days ago, and I asked her what she wanted for Christmas. She replied with her usual sense of humor- a "Silent Night."
She asked me what I wanted, and I said Peace on Earth, or at least in my house- thinking of my own three children. Even though we love 'em, families drive us crazy. Then I started pondering what this whole capitalistic holiday is about, and a Beatles' lyric jumped into my head. "Can't buy me love."
Maybe that's what makes us go nuts around this time of year-the buying part. The "forced" exchange which is so hard to bow out of without feeling akin to Scrooge.
But it doesn't have to be about gifts so much as thoughts and actions. When I heard the trash trucks honking like crazy this past Thursday, unlike most weeks, I was prompted to send my son after them with a bag of cookies.
If nothing else, the holiday season reminds us to do what we should be doing all year long-to be good to one another. To take a moment to celebrate what we have-and to create light in dark corners.
Here's hoping you have much light and love and music in your life, and that you find more of the same in 2011.
Happy Holidays from DC ROCKS.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Up Close and Personal Shopping
In a panic about what to get your girlfriend's sister's kids? Have a stocking that needs stuffing?
Tired of wandering stores the size of the Grand Canyon looking for sales people that don't exist?
Try down sizing.
Sullivan's Toys and Art Supply has been in DC and in the Sullivan family since the 1950s. Unlike the big boxes, it's short on space, but crammed with charm. If you know the ages of the kids you are shopping for- or at least have a ball park figure or a vague description- their staff of toy experts can pick and wrap your gifts. You're out the door-problems solved and off for a hot toddy.
They also have an amazing selection of helium balloons, art supplies and every stuffed animal known to man.
(By the way- if you see the two pixies pictured behind the counter above- tell them that DC ROCKS sent you.)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Holidays Happen- Make the Best of It
In Washington there are a lot of social circles that twirl and hum quietly under that man made chaos otherwise know as the Federal Government. There are native types, student types and students that never left and went native types.
The best part of this crazy season is the parties according to someone I know, and sometimes those parties happen because of music bringing old friends together. This weekend look for two of these kind of shows- one from Bill Kirchen at Jammin Java and the other from Last Train Home back at IOTA.
Bill will be rocking his crowd on Friday night. Last Train is at IOTA tonight, Saturday night, and my personal favorite, Sunday afternoon which is an all ages show. Check out IOTA's new coffee bar and beer selection. Nothing says merry merry like caffeine or a cold beer with an old pal you've been meaning to call.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Unusual Is as Unusual Does
Unusual can be a bad thing as in the unseasonably cold weather we have been enduring lately, or it can be a good thing as in what will happen if you go out on an unusual night this week.
This TUESDAY it's anything BUT business as usual at IOTA when three unusual and sometimes remarkable bands take the stage: The Method, Glasgow and the Yachtsmen. Check out the links, but better yet check out the bands. Glasgow - an amazing crew from New Orleans knocked the crowd dead last time they were here, and the Yachtsmen have to be seen to be believed.
It'll be an early show- 8 p.m. You can get home before midnight and have something unusual to talk about on Wednesday.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
DC Rocking Dominates the News by Lynn Thorp

Check out today's Express Night Out, featuring three examples of how DC Rocks:
1. Government Issue's reunion at Black Cat this Saturday - it's sold out, but it's a nice HarDCore History read.
2. Ra Ra Rasputin's new snow-inspired CD and Friday show at the Rock and Roll Hotel with Imperial China, Mon Khmer, and AK Slaughter.
3. Dave Smalley, Don Zientara and Marc Garnacias at Black Cat tonight, and thoughts on Living on the (Straight) Edge.
Have a read, give them a listen, and support local music.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Holiday "If Only" Ideas by Lynn Thorp

I have favorite DC holiday outings I would do more often "if only" other things didn't interfere. Last year, for example, we got hit with a foot of snow that messed up the agenda. Other times it's just every day life that gets in the way, but here are a few ideas to get us through the season.
- Downtown Crafts Market - From December 3-23, there is a charming street market on F Street NW between 7th and 9th in front of the National Portrait Gallery. There are local artisans, food/beverages and sometimes music. It's open from Noon until 8 p.m.
- Yule Log on the Mall - I find the holiday stuff on the Mall both "same old same old" and endlessly intriguing. I especially like the yule log... very pagan.
- Holiday Music at the National Cathedral - There are a number of free performances and the grounds and the Cathedral itself are certainly a treasure. But I never actually do this one.
- Eastern Market - this is an awesome place for gifts that are unique and locally made.
- Franklin's - our local restaurant/microbrewery and general store in Hyattsville, MD has a remarkable selection of gifts, and it's another way to spend your cash on non-chain items in a non-chain business. This one I do manage to accomplish each year, and I'm never disappointed in their great selection of jewelry, toys, gadgets, humorous gifts and more.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Embrace Your Inner Humbug
Holiday time in Washington- love it, dread it, but like most things in life, it's best to just embrace it. But not all of it.
Stay away from the shopping malls. Go for an urban hike around that OTHER mall downtown and check out the lit up evergreens. Or, if you're like me, forget the hiking part and spring for a drink on top of the Hotel Washington. Take in one of the best views of the city from there, or turn your back on the whole thing and hide out in the Round Robin bar at the Willard- a very DC place to be.
Preserve your sanity further by spending more time with friends and less time pondering the price of fruit cakes. Instead buy 'em a ticket to a show!
There's tons of music coming up, and hungry musicians hoping to see you there live and in person. Take for instance this Saturday at IOTA. The Cravin' Dogs and the U-Liners want you to come to their Roots Rock Holiday Party. Two fun bands- one low price.
No humbug.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Now Feed Your Head - Sunday: 7 Door Sedan and King Mixer!

Thanksgiving might have been about eating a bit too much or too often, but Sunday night you can feed you head with the sounds of two of DC's most powerful acts - King Mixer and 7 Door Sedan.
Sunday, November 28
9 pm
Black Cat Back Stage
1811 14th Street NW
$8 and All Ages
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The New IOTA - At One With Itself
IOTA Club and Cafe, by definition started off as a tiny place, but with time and success, it doubled in size. Used to be you had to choose between eating on one side and seeing music on the other, but DC ROCKS is happy to report that the newest incarnation combines both the club and cafe into one large room, and adds a new mini patio out front. Plus there's a wonderful new selection of beers on tap. It's great.
Come check out the "new" IOTA this FRIDAY, and dance off that midnight turkey sandwich with local favorites- the award winning Rhodes Tavern Troubadours. Both sax master, Derek Huston and keyboard king, Arif Durrani will be sitting in to make this show a stand out.
Get there early! Opening for the Troubadours will be the Vi-kings, Joe Dolan's latest project. The band promises they will "party like 1968", and knowing Joe from his years with the Beatnik Flies, we believe him!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Diversions: DC Rocks' Holiday Survival Plans
It's in the air already- that sense of impending holiday gloom. The leaves fading, the days darkening, and if you haven't hit the grocery store yet this week- forget about it!
Big dinners and family reunions can bring on the best of times and the worst-to borrow from Mr Dickens-so we are here to help with alternative escape plans.
Guests overflowing? Drop 'em off downtown at the mall in the afternoon with a little map to the Rock and Roll Hotel for Wednesday night. They can't sleep there, but there'll be a WHOLE lot of dancing going on with Chopteeth at the helm. And they'll come home too tired to talk about how well their twins are doing at Yale.
Also on Wednesday you could sneak out (after your mother in law is in bed) to the Quarry House to catch those incredibly grooving cats in Gigahertz and those misplaced seamen The Yachtsmen. Both bands come with mega talented players; one harkens back to the out pouring of talent from the late Sixties, and the other flies in the face of reason: original rock disguised as Thurston Howell.
Some people call it Thanksgiving, but those in the know call this Thursday Thrillbilly Karaoke Night down at the Sunset Grille. Let professional rockers erase all those memories of Uncle Bob in his cups, unbuttoning his shirt and singing Elvis off key.
But wait there's more- Friday night- Rhodes Tavern Troubadours at Iota with special guests sitting in. Stay tuned for details on that tomorrow.
Hang in there. We'll get through this together.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Your Sunday To Do List

Last week we reviewed Sunday activities you should skip in order to enjoy local music. This Sunday you can up your procrastination ante because there are two shows to see. They will energize different receptors in your music brain and you can do those chores next weekend.
Black Muddy River Band
5pm - 89m
New Deal Cafe; 113 Center Way; Greenbelt MD
This talented trio does acoustic tribute to the Grateful Dead with surprises thrown in. It's a perfect act for the New Deal Cafe in historic Old Greenbelt.
Dot Dash and The Jet Age
9 pm
Black Cat Back Stage; 1811 14th Street NW
These two bands will fulfill your recommended daily high-energy pop/rock allowance and then some.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Caustic Casanova Will Translate at Velvet Lounge
DC ROCKS couldn't say it better than this announcement from Caustic Casanova:
In the words of the mighty Peelander-Z, quoted in a National Japanese press release just one week ago:
"私達はあらゆる振動You'より懸命に揺する; あっている".
That roughly translates to 'CC and P-Z in DC? Go to the show, it's EZ!!!'
With anticipatory excitement like that, you're going to want to read this closely:
If you want to have what will surely be the best Wednesday of your life, you need to be at the Velvet Lounge THIS Wednesday, TOMORROW, at 7:30 pm to see Geisha Lightning, Tsushimamire, Caustic Casanova and Peelander-Z!!!!
It promises to be an extremely fun/hard rocking/weird show - not to mention yours truly (Caustic Casanova) will be playing new material, old favorites, and a few surprises.
See you there! Doors at 7:30, Caustic Casanova goes on at 9.
That roughly translates to 'CC and P-Z in DC? Go to the show, it's EZ!!!'
With anticipatory excitement like that, you're going to want to read this closely:
If you want to have what will surely be the best Wednesday of your life, you need to be at the Velvet Lounge THIS Wednesday, TOMORROW, at 7:30 pm to see Geisha Lightning, Tsushimamire, Caustic Casanova and Peelander-Z!!!!
It promises to be an extremely fun/hard rocking/weird show - not to mention yours truly (Caustic Casanova) will be playing new material, old favorites, and a few surprises.
See you there! Doors at 7:30, Caustic Casanova goes on at 9.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Sunday Afternoon - What Not to Do

Things you could do a Sunday afternoon: laundry, yard work, housecleaning, tv, paying bills, fixing plumbing. What you should do Sunday November 14: Matinee at the Quarry House! It's Sister Ex, Sleeper Agent and Solar Powered Sun-Destroyer. Tell me you have something better to do on a Sunday afternoon!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
King Soul Rules @ Jackie's This Saturday
On King Soul what Lyn2 has to say is- "You have not had fun until you have had it with King Soul. Period."
$8 cover includes live music and little Tommy Clifford as your Soul driven deejay.
Don't Chute the Messenger
Here is another local band to check out: Chute will be playing this Saturday night at the Austin Grill in Rockville. They describe themselves as "an alternative rock band," and God knows Rockville could benefit from exposure to almost anything billed as non- main stream.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Artisphere: It's a Whole New World
Over the weekend DC ROCKS got the chance to check out the Artisphere- Rosslyn's reincarnation of what once was the Newseum. This place is huge, and the art spaces are many: three theaters, three galleries and a ball room. Events just this month include Shakespeare, Salsa Tuesdays, Dance Wednesdays, and 11:01 Saturday Nights which feature eclectic live music.
This Wednesday while the rest of the world might be languishing in front of the teevee, you could be at a real Cajun dance in the ball room with the Red Stick Ramblers from Louisiana. There's a dance lesson at 7:30, and the band plays from 8:30-11:30. $15
Just a Friday in DC by Lynn Thorp

I never tire of the simple charms the hometown has to offer. Late in the afternoon on Friday, I delivered 1000 letters from people in Michigan to President Obama, encouraging him to keep pushing for stronger vehicle standards. After dropping my box off with a capable and polite young White House employee who looked like he hasn't slept in 22 months, I snapped this picture from the south steps of the Old Executive Office Building (Eisenhower Executive Office Building since 1999.) The OEOB (really now the EEOB) is apparently the best example of French Second Empire architecture in the U.S.
Next, I stopped at Swing's coffee shop at 1702 G Street. Swing's has brewed coffee in DC since 1916. Their legendary shop on E Street closed in 1986, but they somehow survived the Coffee Dark Years and opened the G Street shop in 1994. Their coffee is served and sold in various places around town. On G Street, they make a latte worthy of the best Italian counters in San Francisco, and one of the few properly made ones of which I am aware around here!
Said latte was consumed on a park bench in Lafayette Park, where you could feel the relative calm of the White House complex given that POTUS was wheels up to India. Across from me in the park was the most interesting street character downtown - a guy who walks around wearing barely there cut-off denim shorts and a walking stick. This tall dark, buff and blondish/grey dreadlocked man may be a street person, or maybe he just likes dressing like Tom Hanks in Castaway.
Such a Friday afternoon in our Nation's Capital made me wonder why I don't do it more often, since my office is a mere 2 blocks from Lafayette Park. Try it yourself sometime.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
A Happening at the Artisphere Saturday
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Do you remember this Place? |
I didn't know what to expect when I went to Jeff Krulik's Ambassador Theater symposium, but I had an amazing time learning, meeting cool people, and three years later, I'm still talking about it!
Jeff Krulik, local film and scene maker, is doing it again this Saturday from 3-5 p.m. with a gathering which will focus on the rock n roll memories of Northern Virginia. The forum is being held at a cool new place to check out-the Artisphere (formally the Newseum)which right across Key Bridge and only two blocks from the Rosslyn Metro for all you Virginia phobes.
Here is the scoop:
"Did you see Alice Cooper perform among the lunch tables at NOVA Community College? Did you see Van Morrison or Chuck Berry at The Ark in Alexandria? Did you dance to Sonny and The Shadows or the IGA Heroes at the Elks Club? Share your stories with those who helped launch the rock music industry.
Invited panelists include
Bud Becker who booked bands and dances as Domestic Sounds, and helped run the concerts at The Alexandria Roller Rink.
Teddy Bodnar who ran American Star Recording in McLean and the weekly dances at the nearby Elks Club.
Michael Oberman, 'Music Makers' columnist for The Washington Star, manager of Claude Jones
Mike Schreibman, New Era Follies/New Era Concerts, Emergency, WAMA
If you were in the Battle of the Bands, or at these concerts (The Doors, Black Sabbath, The Yardbirds, Janis Joplin at Alexandria Roller Rink), or heard stories from your older brothers and sisters, you won't want to miss it. Part panel discussion, part slide show, part band and scene reunion, it promises to be a fun and nostalgic trip."
Invited panelists include
Bud Becker who booked bands and dances as Domestic Sounds, and helped run the concerts at The Alexandria Roller Rink.
Teddy Bodnar who ran American Star Recording in McLean and the weekly dances at the nearby Elks Club.
Michael Oberman, 'Music Makers' columnist for The Washington Star, manager of Claude Jones
Mike Schreibman, New Era Follies/New Era Concerts, Emergency, WAMA
If you were in the Battle of the Bands, or at these concerts (The Doors, Black Sabbath, The Yardbirds, Janis Joplin at Alexandria Roller Rink), or heard stories from your older brothers and sisters, you won't want to miss it. Part panel discussion, part slide show, part band and scene reunion, it promises to be a fun and nostalgic trip."
This EVENT ( and it will be just that) is free and open to the public.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
He's Back Home
Back in the nineties, Last Train Home was practically the house act at Iota. Those shows were always so popular and so much fun that the band would play the whole weekend- Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Since then front man, Eric Brace has moved the band to Nashville, and LTH shows are much rarer now. Die hard fans sorely miss that band, but Eric has teamed up with Peter Cooper and has a new thing going on that is well worth checking out. I saw them play in Chevy Chase last year, and I have to say these two know exactly what they are doing with their rock solid harmonies and songs. Here's the scoop on their show this Friday night at Jammin Java with Dan Navarro:
"At 7 p.m. Friday there will be an "In The Round" performance, with Eric, Peter, and Dan all on stage together, taking turns singing songs and talking about them and their lives in music. This will be a two-hour show, with no breaks.
Then at 9:30, Eric and Peter will take the stage as a duo, augmented by the beautiful trumpet playing of Kevin Cordt (whom most of you will recognize from Eric's band Last Train Home). They will play a full hour set, and they'll be followed by Dan Navarro, playing a full set of his tunes. He will be joined by other musicians as well. Somewhere in there, Dan will join Eric and Peter (or vice versa) to sing a bunch of songs they all know and love.
Then at 9:30, Eric and Peter will take the stage as a duo, augmented by the beautiful trumpet playing of Kevin Cordt (whom most of you will recognize from Eric's band Last Train Home). They will play a full hour set, and they'll be followed by Dan Navarro, playing a full set of his tunes. He will be joined by other musicians as well. Somewhere in there, Dan will join Eric and Peter (or vice versa) to sing a bunch of songs they all know and love.
Eric and Peter are celebrating the release a new CD. "Master Sessions" a collaboration with two of their musical heroes: Lloyd Green, a Grammy-nominated member of the Steel Guitar Hall of Fame who played on more than 100 #1 country hits and with non-country greats like the Byrds and Paul McCartney, and Mike Auldridge, an IBMA Lifetime Achievement Award winner who played dobro with the pioneering progessive bluegrass band, DC's own Seldom Scene."
Come on out Friday and welcome Eric home.
Go Local DC
Here's a totally DC ROCKS type show- a bunch of long playing musicians rocking a small venue. If you are NOT a fan of corporate style rock music (what we used to call the "top forty") or chain style restaurants and bars then please support these kind of shows.
Jim Kennedy writes about his band The Colliders which is playing Nicaro on Georgia Avenue in the heart of Silver Spring this Friday:
"The Colliders are three guys who have played all kinds of music and are finally getting to do what we love. The repertoire is mostly rockabilly, honky-tonk, a little blues-some originals, some lesser-known great tunes, and always surprises. This is a band with a big beat, more rocka than billy, and The Colliders are picking up a good following in Montgomery County after two years of playing the local joints."
Also, November 5th is my sixtieth birthday! At twenty I was playing moody extended jams in Tucson; at thirty I was playing outlaw country music in California (good party that year, I came this close to going to jail); at forty I was playing Southern rock in North Carolina; at fifty I was conducting research and raising kids with the occasional street-party gig for fun; and here as I hit sixty I'm having a blast doing what I always wanted to do, playing good old three-minute, three-chord rock and roll."
Because DC ROCKS is such a local rag (well, it would be if we weren't all on line now) We just want to go ahead and say Happy Birthday, Jim! And if you go to the show make sure you tell 'em DC ROCKS sent you.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Color School and Yachtsmen at Asylum: Just What the Doctor Ordered by Lyn2
The legendary Dr. Joe Sasfy opened his show on the now defunct WGTB with a prescription for rock therapy. You can get your dose this Thursday night at Asylum with Color School and The Yachtsmen. Here's what will be included: two great bands for $5; six uber-talented musicians who know their stuff and original songs that tromp their way through many influences, but never fail to rock. Also note that Adams Morgan's parking torture and mayhem procedures are NOT in effect on week nights for those who avoid them. Asylum's a cozy spot with food and a nice beer selection. The show is at 9 p.m.
If you're curious about WTGB- it was the radio station that nurtured, if not created, the crazy quilt that was the DC music scene in the 1970s. Listen to archived 24-hour segments on WGAY each Wednesday. How cool is that.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Zombies United
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photo by Mark Hall |
Even Zombies, perhaps especially zombies need a night out now and then to break up that eternity thing. So bring out your dead this Saturday evening and join the fourth annual Zombie Walk in Silver Spring.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
It's Free
Most DC natives will readily admit that we are notorious for NOT taking advantage of all the free amazing things to do here-like the nightly shows on Millennium Stage at the Kennedy Center, and the whole dang mall with all those museums and monuments just hanging around waiting for you to get down there.
For example, have you been meaning to take the kids to see the Norman Rockwell exhibit?
Like since last July?
This Saturday sounds like the perfect day to go as it's Family Day at the American Museum of Art which means there will be a bunch of activities including a live and rocking swing dance by the fountain featuring our friends Natty Beaux. Noon-3.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Attention All Musical Cats -Fight at Jammin Java
The folks at Jammin Java asked DC ROCKS to pass this announcement along:
"Jammin’ Java presents the fourth Mid-Atlantic Band Battle. Everyone
had such a killer time at the first three battles that we’re doing it again! We are searching for the best bands of any genre
from up-and-down the East Coast to prove that they have what it takes to win $2500 CASH and other prizes! Here's how it works:
1. Apply here to compete in the Battle.
Only 24 bands will be accepted.
The application deadline is Saturday, November 20th.
2. Compete in one of four preliminary rounds on January 10, 11, 12,
and 13. Six bands compete per night. One winner per night moves on to the finals.
3. The winning four bands will compete in the finals on Friday, February 18th.
4. Win the Battle and you get $2500 CASH plus studio time at Cue Recording Studios with producer Jim Ebert, and your own headlining show at Jammin’ Java!
The top four bands receive gift certificates from Chuck Levin’s Washington Music Center
This is a great opportunity for some MAJOR CASH for your band as well as tons of exposure to many industry professionals.
It's also a great way for us at Jammin’ Java to check out your band in consideration for future shows.
Whether you are acoustic, rock, latin, bluegrass, funk, folk, electronic, reggae,
hip-hop, or anything else,
we want you!"
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
DC Rocks
The text below showed up in my email today, and the message pretty much poetically encapsulates what DC ROCKS is all about:what makes this town unique. In this case it's great players, deep atmosphere and very little out of pocket:
"Dan Hovey returns to JV's this Thursday Oct. 21st at 9:00pm.
Robbie Magruder is on drums.
Mac Cridlin is on bass
You're sitting in a booth, or at the the bar.
Or dancing.
Or dancing.
The band sounds great.
You're having fun."
Friday, October 15, 2010
Virginia Rocks Tonight
Sorry for the last minute post, but two great shows are going on in Virgina tonight: straight ahead jive-Jumpin Jupiter is at tiny JVs and so beyond Cream covers GHz will be at Bangkok Blues. (Close enogh to catch a set of both!)
If you subscribe to DC ROCKS, chances are you will be getting this posting a day or so "late." That's up to our third party subscription service. Consider becoming a fan of DC ROCKS on facebook for the latest updates. Social network, baby. It's a Zuckerberg world.
If you subscribe to DC ROCKS, chances are you will be getting this posting a day or so "late." That's up to our third party subscription service. Consider becoming a fan of DC ROCKS on facebook for the latest updates. Social network, baby. It's a Zuckerberg world.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Madness In the Parking Lot
DC ROCKS congratulates our friend, Jeff Krulik. His crazy Capital Centre film "Heavy Metal Parking Lot" made it into the book Reefer Movie Madness and also into a top ten list in USA TODAY.
You may have never seen Jeff, but he's the guy with a camera securely fastened to one eye. He has been a faithful chronicler of the DC rock scene for many years including this clip of one of the last Slickee Boys'shows at the Black Cat- a little movie all unto itself.
Next month Jeff is hosting a panel on the historical rock scene of Northern Virginia which promises to be quite the event. If the Alexandria Roller Rink rings a bell for you, or if you want to learn more, put aside Saturday afternoon, November 6. Watch this space for details coming up soon.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Dance Dance Revolution by Lyn2
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Fort Reno 2010 |
Be part of history and shake your whatever Saturday night at the Black Cat. Our own up and coming sensation Ra Ra Rasputin will celebrate their debut CD. If you missed them at Ft. Reno this summer where they had everyone from babies on up dancing under the stars, now is your chance. We were wowed. This review from TGRI (True Genius Requires Insanity) spells them out better than DC ROCKS can.
Ra Ra will be sharing the bill with Casper Bangs and the Jaguar Club on the Main Stage. Black Cat dance parties sometimes sell out, and this is a big one, so getting tickets early or showing up around 9 is not a bad idea.
All ages venue!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
A Two Step Program
Blob's Park is still alive. It was, ironically, saved from development by the recession, but the folks there still need your support to keep it going. One easy way to do this is to learn how to two step. Local dance guru Ben Pajac gives us the low down:
"In the tradition of the Texas hill country where honky tonk and German beer gardens go hand-in-hand, The Oklahoma Twisters will be featured at Honky Tonk Night this Friday, October 8 at Maryland's hidden (and I mean hidden) treasure, Blob's Park. The 2nd Friday of each month will feature the best of local and nationally-known bands including Arty Hill and the Long Gone Daddys.(November 12)
Furthermore, there will be a painless and free dance lesson before the shows (and perhaps at break, depending on demand) by the old Twist and Shout instructors Ben and Debbie.
Insider's tip: Max keeps a hidden cold-vault behind the bar which holds a selection of fine schnapps and, just as importantly, chilled shot glasses (kept at 12 degrees F).
Dance lesson is at 7:30 p.m. Band starts at 8. Chilled schnapps - anytime."
Admission-just $10.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Surf's Up This Thursday, Cher
Loyal readers may remember the turmoil of a rare remaining honky tonk's demise- Chick Hall's Surf Club. It closed. It was sold. It didn't close. It almost became a CVS, but wait- then new owner James Byrum stepped in and tried to keep it all going with live bands. But "Surf Club Live" had to succumb to a new identity, and show casing local bands didn't pay the bills.
No matter what this room was built for live music, and James is trying to make that scene happen again- for now only on the occasional Thursday night. This Thursday dust off your cowboy boots for a good old fashioned Cajun Zydeco dance with Cypress Trio. Please come out and be a part of it.
Support the place- support the music- support the Cause.
Live music rocks.
$10 at the door. $5 minimum. Free billiards. 8-10:30 p.m.
Brought to you by Dancing By the Bayou.
Coming up- another dance hall struggles to stay alive-
Blob's Park this Friday.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Soul on Sunday
This Sunday is fraught with choices what with the Takoma Park Street Festival and St Bernadette's Fall Festival happening on the same day. Both are good choices, but St Bernadette's has something Takoma Park doesn't have: pony rides!
They will also have food, games, beer and live entertainment.
And best of all (besides the pony thing) if you didn't have time to get to church, King Soul will be there to help you feel all spiritual again. You can catch their groove from 1-4. Ambitious types can hit both Takoma and Silver Spring for a full day of free entertainment. Takoma runs 10-5. St Bernadette's 1-6.
St. Bernadette's is located at 80 University Blvd. E. just outside the Beltway in Silver Spring .
Do It In the Road by Lyn2
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Photo Courtesy of Robert Egger's Love On the Road Project |
Crafty Bastards Saturday
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Space Worm |
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Mother May I Do It Again?

Attention DC Rockers-
Did you see either of these shows?
If not this Saturday may be your last and only chance to see two vintage DC bands in reunion mode. If you did- then you get to do it again.
Mother May I and Hyaa! will both be at IOTA October 2 playing a concert for the benefit of the children of Rob LeBourdais from Mother May I.(Please don't pull out your old 80s garb or hairstyles for this one because we don't want to see them!) But we do want to see you. Come out and support a good cause, and the musicians that are making this scene happen...again.
A $15 donation gets you in to witness DC rock history come alive.
(And thank you Alice Despard for your help with this post.)
Alice Despard,
Mother May I
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Loggers Hail Local Hardware
Politicians and their lackeys come and go in this town, and most never even scratch the surface of local Washington. On the flip side families that have lived here for generations have never stepped foot in the Capitol- especially nowadays with all the terrorcrats barring the way to the peoples' own real estate.
But here's a story from Stock Wilson of the Loggers which has nothing to do with politics, but everything to do with the history of our own Capitol Hill:
"Capitol Hill's oldest hardware store Frager's is celebrating its 90th anniversary next Saturday October 2nd with a rooftop performance by DC's Loggers from noon until 3. In the 80s I had a beat-up town house on Capitol Hill from which I was working sound for the Oxymorons, playing bass for the Slim Jims and fronting the Megatones. Our roadies all worked at Frager's!
"The original Loggers that formed on the Hill were Vince and Antoine Sanfuentes and myself. Piers Hackley has replaced Antoine and founding Mump, ex-Iggy Pop guitarist Rob duPrey joined the band in 2008. Although the Loggers are considered a roadhouse cover band in the DC tradition, our sets are heavily peppered with original material. Come join us for our Let It Be moment!"
Monday, September 27, 2010
TGIM by Lyn2

Thank the goddesses it's Monday. You can stop worrying about all those lofty weekend aspirations, put in a good day's work and go to Galaxy Hut to see Yell County and Musicband. I can tell you that Yell County rocks hard and smart. As for Musicband, you wonder why no one named themselves that before. Check them out. Galaxy Hut is a great little place at 2711 Wilson Blvd. in Arlington. Near Clarendon Metro and they've got good simple food and an eclectic beer selection.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Magical Mystery Tour SUNDAY
There's a great show coming up this Sunday night involving two really, really good local bands. The only problem is this event takes place in a very small place so it won't take much to fill this room. If you can figure out what and where by the pix, then you can come.
Stay tuned for one more hint tomorrow.
p.s dear subscribers- if you can't see the pictures in your email,
hit the link to DC ROCKS itself.
Stay tuned for one more hint tomorrow.
p.s dear subscribers- if you can't see the pictures in your email,
hit the link to DC ROCKS itself.
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