Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Gavel to Gavel Coverage

Richard Nixon's impeachment hearings commenced on television in May of 1973, but  I wasn't paying a lot of attention even though one of the Watergate burglars lived right next door.

I was more tuned into his son's rock band which practiced "Smoke on the Water" almost every day after school.  I was also thinking that I needed to get my ears pierced.

 In 1998, when Bill Clinton was facing the music, I had two small children and missed a lot of that drama while hanging out in circles of hell such as DC Stoddert soccer games, play grounds, and birthday parties. Those were blurry days full of sugar highs, low crimes and misdemeanors.  Once I intercepted my five year old trying to smuggle a croquet ball out of a party in his goody bag.

Fast forward to now. Impeachment number three for me in DC. Living in a world of multiple media sources makes living here even more of a fishbowl, but we also have many sanity saving distractions. Here's a few suggestions:

Tune into online old school radio and reconnect with deejays we grew up with like Cerphe's Music Planet Radio, and Weasel live on WTMD on Fridays and Saturdays and WOWD on Sundays. Plus Milo's on WOWD on Wednesday mornings. I also love WPFW Saturdays.  Good for your groove.

Stare at art. We have a lot of it from tiny galleries to Smithsonians including the newly updated Anacostia Community Museum which reopened last month. Good for the brain.

Get out of town. Even for the day. Massive amounts of water like the Chesapeake Bay and views from Sugarloaf Mountain are good for the soul. Barring that, wander down to our rivers and sit yourself down on Roosevelt or Kingman Island.

You guessed it, dear readers.  Live music. Preferably in a bar without a tv. Good for whatever ails.
See  DC Rocks' calendar for a subset of options.

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