Thursday, March 19, 2020

Through the Looking Glass

Yesterday at 3:25 p.m., I sat on the couch with my laptop and went to my first virtual happy hour... in Richmond no less. A long time favorite, Prabir and his friends were playing. I was a bit early for the 3:30 show, and Prabir was still setting things up in a badly lit room, but his personality transmitted just fine.  He clinked his wine glass against the camera and welcomed the "audience." I imagined myself not on a couch, but standing around in a rock hole with a bunch of people I didn't know, drawn together for music. The introverts commented that they were happy to be "out." We sent hand clapping emojis and hearts floating through cyberspace. In between songs, Prabir would stop and see who was "there," and say hello to people he knew. It was a surreal experience, but keeping each other sane with creativity will be our Rx in the days to come.

Round these parts, Justin Trawick will be playing a concert from his living room couch in Arlington tonight and Sunday at 8 pm. We also get to see his hat collection.

Aside from the virtual concert, many of us have extra time to surf the 'net "to the point of pain" as Wesley says in the Princess Bride, but "your ears you will keep, and I will tell you why."

Please seek out local bands and send them love on line. Buy their music if you can- a song usually only costs a buck- or just send a message of support. Meanwhile please let me know if you have a virtual concert coming up for the new, now virtually twisted DC ROCKS couch locked calendar.

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