Thursday, December 29, 2011

In Between Time

This is a weird week- these lame duck days between Christmas and the next thing. Traffic is sparse. You can drive around relatively unmolested by commuters and park in Adam's Morgan without taking a taxi. (Where is everyone? Are you all still in the malls returning things?) The news is all about looking backwards- the year in review- the best and the worst of everything- none of which is news.

New Year's Eve has never been a favorite of mine- maybe because I never had anywhere to go. Our idea of excitement was to pick up the phone and dial up the time continuously from about 11:45 on, then at midnight, run outside and bang pots and pans together. "At the tone the time will be..."

You get the idea.

Then when I was older there were suddenly too many places to be, and all kinds of confusion about where the most righteous place was to land when the clock struck twelve. I soon realized that was all just a goose chase on a hamster wheel.

But if you are looking for somewhere to be without a lot of running around, there's a great New Year's Eve party going on via the Knights of Columbus, and it's got a DC Rocks kind of price tag: $45 for all you can drink (what?) appetizers, a champagne toast, and a full breakfast at mid night thirty. Oh and a band. A big band- the ever raucous eight piece King Soul will be playing all night and then some. Find all this under one roof at the Rock Creek Mansion on Cedar Lane  in Bethesda.

And by the way in case you do feel like staying home and calling the time- you're going to have to call a friend instead. As of last Spring, dialing up the time became another lost thing of the past.

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