Thursday, December 12, 2013

Clinging to Sanity by a Thread

I get the need for the holiday season. The days are dark. We are sad. (or SAD) We need light in our lives so we burn things. It used to be yule logs. Now it's LEDS. We feel the need to gather our tribes together and give gifts to fight the gloom. It used to be frankincense; now it's Chia Pets. But here's a shout out to our friends in Norway for taking the quantum leap beyond Charlie Brown's disillusions with Christmas by giving us the perfect symbol of our seasonal frenzy. Yes, this year the tree at Union Station is decorated with 700 Edvard Munch themed ornaments inspired by his painting "The Scream."

But you can tone down those panicky feelings. Turn your back on the big boxes and seek solace in the little guys like Sullivan's Toys-a family business still owned and operated by a genuine Sullivan.  If you are clueless about what to get your girlfriend's sister's kid, the staff will guide you, and wrap up your purchases to boot sending you out into the world mission accomplished.

Or take advantage of the Downtown Holiday Market on F Street NW which crams a lot of shopping in just one block featuring Washington local bands, artisans and vendors. The stalls will be open every day through December 23rd with comfort and joy type things to keep you going like live music, hot chocolate and fried to order donuts. (yow)  Look for exceptional gifts like hand made jewelry and knitted goods as well as Thomas Bucci's beautiful architectural drawings and water colors of DC.

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