Friday, October 25, 2019

Pretzels and Pumpkins

I confess. I don't have a pumpkin on my porch for the first time in decades. It's not that I can't find one. I just got back from Safeway where  I managed to face down an entire wall of orphaned squash.

I enjoy carving pumpkins as much as the next guy, but I never did like scooping out their guts. Even if I used a large spoon those slimy strings and seeds would climb up my arm.

I still love the season. I've got skeletons, a spider, a black cat, and a witch.

And a bat.

Not to mention an extra large bust of Edgar Alan Poe which always comes in handy this time of year.

I just don't like pumpkins. Or giving out candy. Or being humiliated for giving out pretzels that ONE time.  (Yes, I was that person.)

Halloween parties this weekend might be overshadowed by our beloved baseball team, but for non-sports fans, DC's own Count Gore De Vol will present a director's cut of that crazy feel good film about a little girl with satanic issues on Saturday night at AFI. "The Exorcist" was set in Georgetown because the film was based on a story about a possessed boy who lived right here in Cottage City. His parents supposedly brought him to Georgetown Hospital so the Jesuits could take a swing at extricating his demons. If you go see the movie, don't forget to sleep with your light on!

Avoiding baseball and scary things? Catch Bill Starks on Sunday at JVs. No beds levitating here, just a fun night and a new CD.

Finally, a very cool thing is happening on Monday. Two stars from the Slickee Boys will appear low in the sky at the Galaxy Hut when Marshall Keith opens for The Yachtsmen. I promise it'll be a stellar event with plenty of beer, but no pretzels or pumpkins.

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