Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Get ready for GHz THIS Thursday

The ever humble Scott Giambusso- the G in GHz
photo by Chip Py

I sent out a feeler to see if anything was new with Gigahertz- that Cream cover band I'm always raving about (which is rare for me because cover bands usually leave me hankering for the real thing- if not just leaving.)
And as it turns out- there's plenty to talk about- new songs - both original and not-according to John Zidar:
If you haven't seen us in 2008, we’ve got Presence of the Lord, and a phenomenal version of Layla in which Dan covers all five guitar parts himself at once. Think of Stanley Jordan starring in “My Left Foot”. His toes are funky, but it is amazing to watch.
And Scott Giambusso adds:
We are on a sort of writing spree. Dan has two new tunes, Rainmaker and Flimsy Bernuse,
and I finally got a good rewrite on a tune I started 4 years ago called "When Mars and Moon Collide". But most importantly I bought a new bass, and the band sound has risen to the next level. (so I say!) Anyway we are having a great time tearing apart the fabric of the sound barrier reefer and are all jazzed up about recording a live CD at Bangkok on Thursday.

(Musicianspeak-you gotta love it)

So there you have it. See 'em live-and be a part of it at Bangkok Blues this Thursday night. Set times: 7:30 and 9:30.

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